Friday 16 January 2015


HIV/AIDS has since time and ages, caused a lot of stinging sensitivity in our communities and more so, in the people, themselves. I personally didn`t know, for example, that HIV comes first before the syndrome pops in and finally leaves one`s immunity system  so vulnerable to death.
           I grew up hearing about this scary guy named least, that`s how I called "him", with all those false beliefs and stereotypes surrounding his full exposure to Uganda....statements like, "AIDS kills severely, one grows to become thinner than a straw, its only for the immoral people in society"...among others, made me believe that once got to know that they were pals with AIDS, then...kaba kaweddemu...(loose translation: their life is done for)... but there is always a new ray of fresh sunlight for the victims of this reality awakener.
            This killer silently moves in our bodily fluids, the sharp instruments we may tend to share and also, logging onto the huge global sexual network with various individuals....ooooooooohhhhhhhh, almost forget the most obvious way, through engaging in unprotected sex.
            And then, being that its for human beings only, am sure that another stereotype I had heard of ages go was put to bed...that, "it originated from and lives in monkeys", I can finally put it before the world that we can help change our mind-sets towards this stalking beast....but that change begins with you,  I and every human being on earth.
Putting in mind that there are helpers for this job like the various contraceptive methods on the available market globally, we can begin by erecting forth some protective shields like making informed decisions pertaining living and enjoying a sexually-gratifying life with that one sweetheart rather than living a sexually active life connected to various nodes(individuals) on the global sexual network, consistently and properly utilising the use of condoms, only if we have to.
             Otherwise, the war we are waging at this beast will be far from over if we don`t start with these. Counselling, too, is extremely vital for the victims of this beast. Its true that none of them can actually relay the events that led them to being informed of their condition but all that can be put in the past and a new path of recovery and living a new chapter in life rolls on. Unconditional positive regard is paramount for this since not all the victims have promiscous ways of living their lives...and not forgetting, the chatting after has got to be deeply sincere, out of self-initiative and regular in order to drop the faith.
            Picking up on treatment of the Anti-Retroviral drugs plus trying as much as possible to live on a healthy balanced diet is key, too, not forgetting regular exercising to take away the stress and negativity lingering in the mind.
            Our bodies can be strong enough, then, to withhold and imminent attacks from those tiny way-laying infections that take away our loved ones.....that is the reality

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